
This Time Capsule was created by the OLG Graduating Class of 2020 during the months of May and June, 2020. Thanks to their Homeroom teacher, Kimberly Hughes, who gathered these contributions for the capsule. It has been four years since graduation. How quickly four years can pass.

At the bottom of the page, the class WELCOMES you to 2024 !!!

To the OLG Class of 2020:

Thank you for being my first 8th grade class at Our Lady of Grace School! Despite having to spend the last few
months of the school year in quarantine, I am very grateful that I had the opportunity to be your homeroom
teacher during your last year at Our Lady of Grace. I had such a fun time watching you grow over your 8th
grade year – going on super fun field trips, running with you at my first Fun Run, running cool experiments
during STEM elective, and helping to preside over your graduation. I was in awe of all of your eclectic and
unique personalities, and it was an honor to be your teacher.

May you be ever blessed as you start your new adventure in life!


Mrs. Kimberly Hughes

Hello OLG Class of 2020!

If you are reading this, you are now a graduate of some high school and my bet is that you are getting ready to further your education in colleges in and around California. What an ending to your 8th grade year you had with outdoor balloon arches greeting you as you and your families and classmates drove into the parking area. No Covid-19 virus was going to daunt your graduation! Fr. Tom, Mrs. Hughes and myself were so glad we could gather to celebrate your commencement. Honors from St. Joseph Notre Dame High School and Bishop O’Dowd were a bonus to the ceremony where all the hard work you did paid off as you came forward to receive your diplomas. Always remember OLG set the foundation for all you have done and are about to do and stop by when you are in the area to say hello to those of us who watched you succeed.

God bless you always.

Hello Ben, it’s Ben from 4 years ago. I hope you are still playing baseball and hope that you are. I am still living well and doing well in school and at his mom’s restaurant. Do you have a girlfriend yet? Well, that is all I have to say and as you future me. one more thing are you good if you are always good and never let anyone get in your way of things and always believe in yourself.

May 25, 2020

I originally didn’t want to do this but since I am I you appreciate this. Currently I just graduated from 8th grade, I semi-recently turned 14, and I’m stuck in quarantine. It’s weird to think that the next time I’ll read this I’ll be 18. I hope you have survived highschool and it was better than I thought it would be. I also hope that you make way better friends at Moreau than some of your old ones at OLG. I’ve been doing ok, some days are better than others. I’ve almost quit dance multiple times.
Some questions I have are, do you still have bad acne? I doubt it but do you occasionally talk to people from OLG? Did you pass high school math? Did you have a glow up? (I really hope you did because I’ve been waiting for 14 years) What is your mental state like? Are you still taking dance classes? Are you able to manage dance and school work? Have you and Nathan started to get along? Have you improved your flexibility. Are you on pointe? Has your style improved? Do you think my style right now is ugly? (I am pretty happy with my style) How tall are you? Is TikTok still a thing? How many Instagram followers do you have? What is Billie Eilish’s music like? What kind of music do you like? Have you had a serious boyfriend? Are you stressed about going to college? Are you even going to college? What college are you going to? Did you remember about this? Can you drive? What age did you learn how to drive? Is driving scary?
Here is something you should remember, don’t forget to have fun.

Journal entry: This is 4 years into the future, so hello future me I hope you still have the dream of learning about cooking and going to culinary school at a good college. This is during covid so 8th grade was pretty uneventful during the end of the school year. I hope college is better and that I do well. Hopefully no new pandemics happen during high school or college.

Now that we are out of school, I’m kind of dreading these next few months. They’ll be filled with boredom and long days, with not much to do. I’m not sure if online school is better then summer, or the other way around, or if they’re both terrible. All I want you to know is, if I could breeze through 8th grade with so many distractions around me, you can finish college.

8th Grade

        My Experience as a COVID-19 Graduate

This is supposed to be a journal entry, and I’m going to write down how I’m feeling. It is going to be somewhat informal, but it will get the message out. I am very glad to be graduating from OLG this year, and I love the school and my teachers and friends. But these last few months have been pretty rough. I’ve been going through a lot. My family is getting more arguments because we can’t get away from each other, and I’m going crazy. I don’t want to get sick, but at some point, unemployment can’t keep rising and I can’t be kept inside. There is so much tension here that nothing makes me happy. I am hoping that we are going to have an in-person graduation and I will get to see my teachers and friends and classmates one last time. To my future self, follow your instinct as you head off into college! Thank you everybody and anybody who may be reading this! I love you all! 

Dear future Izzy,

(Please excuse my informal writing and random thoughts)

I had a lot of fun this year even with all the 2020 pandemic chaos. I learned a lot about myself and my abilities as a teenager. My dad is teaching me how to throw a football, but that isn’t working out too well because I shrill throw it like a shot put. So now I have to sprint to get the ball every time I give him a crazy throw. In high school, I will most likely be playing four sports (track, xc, soccer, jiu-jitsu). I’m VERY excited about high school, but also a little bit nervous. I think I’m anxious because it will be a while before everything goes back to normal if it ever does. Go SJND Pilots! I’ve already made a lot of friends that will be in the class of 2024. Who knew Instagram could do so much for me. I think I will also be taking math and English classes over the summer so I can take more challenging classes. We have a Pilot’s welcoming night over zoom on June 7th, 2020. Also, my bday is coming up in 2 weeks!
Quarantine has been completely boring for me. I really miss my sports and friends the most. I never thought I would ever miss school in my life, but I wish everything was back to normal even if it meant getting up early. I’m going to miss my class even though I’ve been frustrated with people often. Although we all had our own cliques, the presence of everyone was enjoyable. I appreciate all my teachers for everything they’ve done. One thing I miss the most is all the little kids at school. My dad even says that I have a kid fan club at school. Mrs. Fajardo’s daughter, Isabella, was always so sweet and respectful. I’ve never met a kid as enjoyable as her, and I wish the best for Isabella. It was an honor to have her in my faith family. My faith family was actually pretty chill and the kids were fun to interact with. I absolutely love kids, so I’m gonna miss a lot of children at OLG. I think this virtual time capsule is a great idea for looking back on things. I’ve learned some weird stuff about myself though. I dislike over 100 foods because I am a very picky eater, and I learned that after a year I still can’t touch my toes often. OOF. Oh and guess what? I even made a fake identity because I’ve been so bored. Apparently my new name is Alexa Grey Teran. Sheesh, I’ve been very bored if you couldn’t tell. I also ran up and down my stairs 100 times too. Talk about a little excessive.
It’s just disappointing for me to not have really spent enough time with my class. I learned to cherish my time and what I have with everyone. I’m also not as sensitive anymore, I guess I just became chiller over quarantine and not as stressed. I’m used to being stuck at home all the time, but I don’t like it. I’m also preparing my future to be in the army. It’s been my dream since I was a little girl, and I’m super excited for college. I HAVEN’T EVEN STARTED HIGH SCHOOL YET oh jeez. I’m excited to move on in life but sad to move on from my classmates. Welp here are a few memories that I would like to be reminded of in the future.

Jaden- Seeing him goof off with his friend
Ava- Being on student council with such a responsible person
Aiden- Playing soccer and keep away with him at recess/ all the times I’ve tripped on the ball and failed at juggling
Eisiq- I actually learned a lot of facts from this dude
Mathew- Listening to his raps and jokes
Simone- Being in a break room with her. She is actually pretty smart.
Sophia- When she always would kick my soccer ball down the hill while passing and karaoke with her over face time. She’s a very supportive/ crazy friend.
Adri- Teasing her with Sophia over stupid things
Alyssa- Standing by her at recess while we watched our friends look like idiots
Dillon- His dark/ sarcastic sense of humor. It was also pleasant on student council with him
Ethan- Seeing the dog as his background every zoom
Olivia- FInding out that we are both going to SJND and she also like an older sister to me even though I’m older by a few hours.
Estella- She has always been my best friend and has been with me through thick and thin. Even though she doesn’t respond to my texts, she very fun to talk with. Lesson learned: Don’t mess with her while she is having a random burst of energy or she will hit you with a hanger or pillow. One of the funniest moments is when I kicked her soccer ball away after she kicked mine, and it landed on a dead squirrel.
Brooke- This girl is the definition of a crack head. She slipped on a banana peel twice in front of me like in cartoons. My favorite memory is when we both tripped and fell into one of the plant boxes in the garden after playing a game. WE WERE COVERED IN DIRT. She is also a hilarious drawer. I’ve had multiple interpretations of my face
Clare- Crackhead #2: She always has a joke for me and she is one of the most selfless people out there. She puts others before herself and I’m gonna miss this bestie a lot
Claire- She may look innocent but boy she is pretty coocoo sometimes. I love having her as a bestie because we just sit back and watch others look like idiots.
Ben- Always trying not to laugh at mass was the best memory. For some reason, I laugh the most in the church which is really bad, and I need to work on that. But Ben was always there to tell me to shut up.
Miguel- We would have competitions while altar serving to see who messed up the most
Adairia- Watching her pull out those dance skills at PE
Jacob- He calfed me a lot
Isiah- Somehow all my failures happen around him. I had to run a few miles next to him at track while holding my school shorts up the whole time and I always tripped and slid under him at PE.
Layla- She is very mature and responsible, but she is actually very fun to talk with too. She will most likely be very successful in life.
Caleb- He helped me when I always failed at kickball
Daniel- His pitiful face when I tried to juggle a soccer ball
Sabrina- Sitting next to her and her dark humor, and listening to her sing songs with Brooke: EAR RAPE
Dominic- Teasing battles and watching him hug his little sisters. It’s adorable
Joshua- Somehow I always ended up sitting next to him for assigned seating and I dealt with him farting on purpose a lot.
Isaac- When we had teasing battles in math class. Girls against boys.
Ernest- Teasing Isaac and Estella while Mr. Stone just had a look of pity

And for my satisfaction, I must say this one for time.


5/29/2020 at 3:19 P.M. Izzy

Hey man, high school has gotta be better than this right? I mean, our grades have got to be better than right now, since all we have to do is pass with grades higher than a C. We get to leave hopefully all of the annoying kids and no longer have to to deal with some of the more questionable grading styles. Like, nothing could top 8th grade in terms of weird and painful to go through, from the quarantine and being stuck inside, to Mrs. Hierro’s grading. We might meet some of the friends we made at summer school, such as Caleb or Diego, and the teachers will be better, such as Mr. Pham. High school is going to be better, we both know that much at least.